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Order Processing Overview

The Order Processing web services allow dealers to transmit orders dynamically.

Submit orders and even drop ship them. Just like you, we want to stay in front of the competition. Automation is a key to be competitive in our industry. Order Processing enables you to rapidly fulfill customer orders. A web-based shopping cart or POS system can integrate with this service.

Order Processing has two primary components

First, send a request to create a cart. After successful, add items to the cart. Once ready, submit that cart as an order. The cart will be processed exactly as if it were submitted through the ordering system. The order status can then be requested. Please take look at the links above to explore the options and responses of these services.

Before you begin

PO numbers should be unique for each order placed. Reusing a PO is allowed but it is not ideal. A reused PO will make related orders more difficult to query.

We're always looking for dealer feedback and feature requests. If you have a feature that you need in order to process orders, feel free to ask. We're here to help you. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please review the documentation. Quite often the answer will be there.