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Welcome to the latest edition of our API documentation! Our API provides a way for our dealers to communicate with our system by transmitting data over the internet.

Build your application on the new and improved WPS API v4 platform


Follows standardized, HTTP-based, REST-compliant API methods commonly used to interact over the Internet; combined with painless, token-based authentication and easy-to-use syntax.

How it works →


With new features like filters, includes, product variants, and more you have tremendous flexibility in how you query and consume our extensive repertoire of product information.

New features guide →


Built on the largest cloud provider infrastructure designed to handle dense peak periods and wild swings in traffic patterns without any degradation of performance slowing you down.

Explore our architecture →

This area aims to be a comprehensive guide to Version 4 of the WPS API. We'll cover topics such as the purpose of the API, signing up for access, obtaining an access token, determining what resources we offer, making your first request, and what to do if you have trouble getting the information you need.

So what is the WPS API, exactly?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. The WPS API is an easy-to-use, robust, and reliable way for dealers and/or other third parties to obtain product information that Western Power Sports has tirelessly acquired, generated, and organized. This information can be used to populate your database, save and organize for import into software for your specific purpose, or even consume in real-time dynamically on your website. Whether you are writing a small script that quickly spins through our entire product line and imports vital pieces of product information into your system, or you wish to completely automate your entire product info pipeline to the various sales channels you interact with, the WPS API can help.

This is all provided to the WPS dealer network for free and is accessible 24/7/365 by simply signing up for access.

Before you begin

If you're reading this documentation, chances are you are interested in obtaining data from us in a server-to-server automated fashion. If you are not, you may find the Data Depot downloads area more useful as it allows you to download the data in a point-and-click fashion for the purposes of importing into your system.

Simply put, if you are a programmer, I.T. manager, and/or a technology professional seeking a way to acquire and transmit data to and from Western Power Sports, continue reading.

Helpful Hints

Throughout this guide there are a number of small-but-handy pieces of information that can make using the WPS API easier, more interesting, and less hazardous. Here's what to look out for.


It is our goal at WPS to create the tools and services you need to succeed in this competitive market. If you have questions about permissions, acceptable uses, and best practices please let us know. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please consult the API Documentation first. Many times the answer will be there. But if you still need help, please view our Support Page, or send us an e-mail and we’ll be glad to help.